Is Water a portal?

Yes, water is a portal. Water holds information. Especially the water of our origins — the ocean. The water of our planet has been programed with all of the knowledge, love and understanding we seek. Water allows consciousness to travel to other dimensions easily. It allows your guides to communicate with you. Water is the most overlooked tool for spiritual advancement in our current time. Have you ever noticed that you have the best ideas and downloads when you’re in the bath or shower?

Everything is frequency. You can encode water with frequencies. The water will hold the memory of the frequency imprint.

Here’s how you can code your water with energy according to The Rose Portal: Speak loving words into your water. Water holds energy. You are energy. Attune yourself to gratitude and that will be alive in the water.

According to Alex Myles, if you ever feel emotions building up, a simple energy tip is to place your hands under lukewarm flowing water. The natural healing will calm and cleanse, while quickly eliminating tension and dissolving low vibrational energies.

Kate Fowler loves to structure water through the power of prayer. This is the same process used to create holy water, she says. We are all divine beings and with pure heart-filled intention, we can bring the same healing energy into our water and into our lives as any other being. We don’t need a middleman, as we can do this ourselves with amazing results.

Simple mermaid reminder by Rupi Kaur, “I am made of water. Of course I am emotional,” and Adrian Michael, “she is water — powerful enough to drown you, soft enough to cleanse you, deep enough to save you.”

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