Why are Abandoned Castles so fascinating?

by Sarah K Grundy

There’s a message in the remains of abandoned homes and palaces — castles that once housed the spirit of grand manifestation, majesty, and royalty — somehow reduced to solitude and soil. How is that possible?

The rubble seems to live and breathe with the ghosts of a, once upon a time, glorious medieval past, and still-yet possible, evolved future.

It’s a reminder that no matter how high we climb, how fast we rise, we are never too big to be reduced to wreckage. And the need to rebuild and start again is around the corner for us all, for as long as we shall live.

How can we prepare? Movement is life — and for many proven to be the spark that keeps them alive, re-awakened, or the secret to rebuilding. How do you prepare? Do you feel ready if your life one day (god forbid) takes a turn for ruin?

Share with me in the comments below. I want to know.


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