Why The Feminine captivates and infuriates

The Feminine has enraptured and enraged from the beginning of time.

“The birth of Venus” by Botticelli, “La Fornarina” by Raphael, and Modigliani’s “Nu couche,” which sold for $170M recently, permeate every culture. Yet not long ago women were given citations for wearing bikinis and could be arrested for having their nipples exposed, and historical works of Gustav Klimt, among many others, have been destroyed because they included female art and nudity.

Femininity, and exalting its many powers, certainly made an impact on, and for, Lady Godiva, Countess of Mercia. And yet, still, after all this time, in countless ways, the world needs raising to reach maturity when it comes to women.

And hiding the truth won’t help matters. They are subtle, the oppressions we allow because it feels normal. But the ripple effect is not.

The Feminine is not bound by gender. It’s an energy. Fluid. And it washes through all of us. It’s the wild, unpredictable, untamable power and love of the soul. Opening to it holds the greatest hope for the individual and the collective to heal, transform and evolve.

Source: Klimt


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